
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

When I Grow up I Want to be __________ .

Do what you love & Be excellent at what you do. 

Here are my thoughts on occupations, hobbies, and blogging... 

"So, what do you do..." 

Classic post-grad/about to graduate question. And after growing up in a society that encouraged me to "chase my dreams" and told me from kindergarden on up that I could "be anything I wanted", I ended up in front of a buffet of career paths and had no idea which direction to take. 

So I thought I'd go with what I liked and what I thought I could do decently: writing. 

How do you translate that into a career? 

Well, after applying for a lot of jobs, reading Atlas Shrugged, and having lots of soul searching conversations with my fiance' I realized a few things. 

A. I need to learn. A lot. 
B. I need to develop my skill set. 
C. It's okay to start at the bottom, learn an industry, and then try to work your way up. 
D. I need to get paid. (Commerce drives the world and money pays the bills.) This translates to: I need to be doing something that is of enough value to someone else that they will pay me for it. Sometimes that translates to my career not always consisting of doing what I love. 
E. If my career is not what I love, I can (read: should) do what I love as hobby and develop those skills (read: blogging.) Eventually my hobby could become my job, if not, I still get to do what I love.

So my advice to struggling post-grads wandering in the foggy land of "what do I want to do with my life" is JUST DO SOMETHING. And then be excellent at what you do. 

Continue to learn and invest in relationships, and be excellent in whatever you're doing. This will set you apart because most people are too apathetic to continue learning, too egotistical to invest in relationships, and too lazy to be excellent. 

You might not start at the top, but you'll get there. 

xo, The Attic

"A journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step." 
~ Lao-Tzu 

So, brave ones, what has your career path looked like? 

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