
Friday, January 25, 2013

I Know You Can Be Overwhelmed...

"I think you can be underwhelmed... But you can you ever just be whlemed?"

"I think you can in Europe." 

Lynn-Holly overwhelmed after way too many hours in the Baylor library.

Happy Weekend friends! I know that it's Friday, and probably the only things on your mind are sleeping in, making eggs in your oversized t-shirt, and lying on your couch getting caught up on the latest Baldacci book or Greys Anatomy.

But as I sit with Lindsey, who is finishing up lesson plans that must be turned in tonight, the only thing on her mind is how not to be overwhelmed.

So in the interest of her sanity, I thought it would be great to talk about stress management. Monday is coming eventually and once the egg breakfasts are eaten, to-do lists will return. Sadly. I for one, would LOVE to sit around drinking coffee, eating eggs, and reading a good book for as long as I live. (Although I realize that lifestyle could only lead to me being fat and over-caffeinated- although also supremely educated.)

What is the best way to handle life when you're stressed out? Well, here are Lindsey's and my coping mechanisms...

First, make a to-do list. I know, I hate to-lists. Some people like them, I however, am not one of those people. But Lindsey and I will both admit that making a list helps you organize and prioritize your to-do's.

Second, consider taking a nap. It does not have to be of the two hour variety, (although, I love those) it could just be a 15-30 minute cat nap. If looking at your list overwhelms you, take a break to close your eyes, breathe, and remember that YOU CAN DO THIS. And even if you don't get it all done, chances are good that the sun will still rise tomorrow.

Third, look up a few verses about anxiety. This definitely helps. Also, look up some verses about thankfulness. We have found that thankfulness is linked directly to peace. But more on that later.

And lastly, our fourth and fifth steps are to go to Barnes and Noble and Anthropologie. We know. You can't always make it to the last steps because you actually have to DO the things on your to-do list. But if you can schedule a time to visit one or both of those places later, the anticipation just might help you make it past your stressful day. And if you can do some of your work at Barnes and Noble, then you can kill two birds with one stone! (I don't even know why that is a phrase. Why would I want to kill birds?)

Perhaps your happy places might be different than ours, but either way we have found that steps 1-5 greatly reduce our stress. Also it's a good idea to drink lots of water and try to get an adequate amount of sleep, which means 7-8 hours. I know sleep is hard to fit into your schedule, but sleep helps reduce stress. And the water is a must! Even if you're a coffee camel like me, you must hydrate to stay healthy.

Take care of yourself. There is only one of you. 

xo, The Attic

What are your steps for handling a stressful day? We'd love to hear them!

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