
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wish List

What Would You Buy if You Were a Billionaire? 

What would you buy if someone gave you a billion dollars? I'm not talking about the wise choices, or the investments you'd make... I'm talking about the silly or the frivolous, or the dreams you've had that you've accepted that they are only dreams. 

Like would you design your own house? Complete with a palatial ceiling like this Spanish stunner? Or...

Would you plant your own vineyard like this Italian beauty? And make delicious wine just because you could? 

Or would you buy a plane ticket and go explore a new place? Or would you buy all of the shoes in Nordstrom in your size? Or maybe a new car? If any of you would like to buy us a new car... Jon would like a Ford Raptor. 

Want to know what I would want to buy? I would LOVE  to buy these EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. 

APPLES. Not just any apples, but large, juicy, organic, Honeycrisp apples. I love them. They're too expensive for me to buy every week, but trust me, if I could, I would. I love apples. I have one everyday. (serious creature of habit.) And I'm sad it's all gone when I'm finished eating it. 

So weird. But there you have it. That's what I'd buy. 

I mean, I'd buy other things too, like j.crew's entire spring line, and a house complete with a library full of books... but those would come after the apples. 

Before you give up on me and decide that I'm just a shallow girl with a weird love for apples, know that my money would be used for other things too. I'd probably use it to set up a foundation and divvy it up from there for things like investments, scholarship funds, helping hurting people... etc. 

But the point of this question was not to test your financial literacy and give you a failing grade if an IRA and retirement planning didn't make your wish list, it was just to see what fun, fanciful things you enjoy and what you dream about. 

So, Brave Ones, what do you dream about? What would you buy? 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. The first is actually from Spain, but I don't remember what city. I was probably considerably jet lagged when I took it. The vineyard is in Umbertide, Italy, and if traveling is on your wish list- go there! It's amazing. And the last pic is in a Spanish market... again, I have no idea what city. But the picture does prove my love for apples crosses boarders- I really love them. 


  1. I would buy a new wardrobe and then travel all around the world at an incredibly leisurely pace. Haha! If I have that much then I don't need to hurry back for work!


    1. Yes, I'd definitely spend more time traveling too! I get to travel some now... but I'd definitely add a few more trips to my schedule if I could!

  2. Ha ha you are too cute with your apples! I would definitely buy a beach house right on the water in Newport or Corolla. A girl can dream lol

    1. Oh that would be wonderful! I would love either a beach house in Jacksonville, FL or a cottage on the lake in Michigan. Both would be a lovely place to get a away... it just depends if I was trying to escape winter (then duh- Florida) or I wanted to escape the heat in the summer (then Michigan.) Or... maybe a flat in Spain. You know, just because. :)
