
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Coffee Break

Life, Lately

What time did I wake up? 

Coffee o'clock. 

The last week has been crazy. Faithful readers... the few, the proud, the brave... please bear with me for the next week/month. I have some big transitions and adventures coming up, which means life is really busy right now. 

But, as those transitions and adventures develop- I'll keep you posted! There is a lot going on, and I'm excited to share it with you. 

The main things going on right this very moment are: 

A. The continuous consumption of a lot of coffee. 

B. An achy jaw. I had to get TEN FILLINGS at the dentist yesterday. And before you start tsk-ing, or shaking your head at me- I brush my teeth often and I floss! I just happen to have genetically weak enamel, (Thanks Dad.) which leads to little erosion spots in between my teeth. It's really great. 

I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee last night, but I couldn't because my mouth was so numb. When I tried to smile, I looked like an ogre. 


So, if you'd like, you can be praying that my and Jon's next adventures go well (sorry to be so mysterious. I'll fill you in soon.) and that my mouth heals. (insert crying, pathetic emoji face here.) 

Thanks for being a member of The Attic's fanclub! 

I hope all is well for you and yours. If your life is measured in coffee cups too, currently, then this Buzzfeed post is for you. I found myself both laughing, and nodding in agreement at the same time. 

Much Love,
xo The Attic 

ps. The picture up top was found via Pinterest, but I believe it was first posted on THIS Tumblr


  1. I'll definitely be praying for you guys as you start a new adventure. And ten fillings?! You poor thing!

  2. Ten fillings! Yikes! I hope your mouth feels ok... But really, coffee fixes just about everything, right? ;)
