
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

A Day of Reflection; 

A Day of Repentance 

A poem of repentance. 


Oh God I come stumbling back to your throne
My mistakes. my sin. what I want
Are all wrapped up in my soul.
I come and I kneel letting you untangle me
But I am not alone.
Kings are my company
One name makes knees buckle
and hearts cry out.

First I point the finger at everyone (but myself)
But you see through my futile attempts
At being holy.
You call my name and see right through me.
I am dirty. Broken. And wrong.
Yet You take the broken pieces of my life
And cry over them. As if they are beautiful.

All I can offer you is this broken hallelujah
It is a cold desperate and
confused hallelujah.
Offered up by thieves and Kings
Oh Lord. Jesus. Holy. Perfect.
We come before thee.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

I thought I'd share this poem I wrote a few years ago with you today, because as you may know, today is Ash Wednesday- which marks the beginning of Lent. In the spirit of full disclosure, I will tell you that I did not grow up celebrating Lent, nor do I actively celebrate it now. I have nothing against it, it's just not apart of my traditions at this point in time. But I do appreciate the concept, even though my forehead is not marked with ashes. 

From what I understand, Ash Wednesday is meant for reflecting on our lives and our mortality, and repenting for our sins. It is important though, I think to remember what comes later- and that is Easter. The bookends of this period are repentance for our sins, and rejoicing over the victory of our Savior. What a beautiful time to reflect!

If you'd like more information about Ash Wednesday and Lent, you can read about it in Relevant Magazine here, here, and here. 

I typically keep this blog more lighthearted, but I today I wanted to go a little deeper. After all, it is the deep longings within that connect us all, right?- to be fully loved and known, and to fully love and know in return. 

Much Love, 
xo The Attic 

ps. Later this week I will share with you the awesome cookies I mentioned earlier, and a coffee tumblr that you should go buy immediately. :) 

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