
Monday, January 6, 2014

The Magic of New Beginnings

Cheers to the New Year

Happy New Year! And New Week. 

Someone said Happy New Year to me today and it made me smile. I love new things, new places and new beginnings. It also made me wonder... It is January 6th. How long is it appropriate to wish someone Happy New Year? It kinda makes me feel like one of those people who just can't let go of the holiday season... you know, the people whose Christmas decorations stay up until February and whose go-to Pandora station is still Mariah Carey Holiday? (Don't mock. She's everyone's favorite holiday music station. Unless you're in the Bing Crosby camp, in which case, she is probably your second favorite.

So, in hopes that it is not too late to jump on the New Years train, Happy New Years. It is still 2014 after all. 

Before you abandon ship- this post is not (only) a list of resolution-y type things! More like a collections of thoughts and hopes for the new year. And because I like lists (not to-do lists though, don't be confused) and because I like round numbers, I am going to collect my thoughts for your reading pleasure in sets of 10. Why ten? Because great things come in sets and because I'm watching How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days and I feel inspired. 

We'll start with 10 things of 2013 that I'm grateful for. Why? Because gratefulness and peace are linked. 


Things of 2013 That I'm Grateful For: 

1. I got to spend a lot of time with my family. After being a way for college for four years, moving back in with my parents ended up being a huge blessing. I was none-too-thrilled at first, but it ended up being lovely and much needed. 

2. I had the chance to work with my dad. Again, something that I wasn't excited about at first, but I am so thankful I was able to do so. 

3. Through circumstances that I could not have planned or foreseen on my own, I got a job that is perfectly tailored to me. I get paid to do what I love. And I have an awesome office. 

4. I got to be engaged with two of my best friends. It was so fun sharing that season of our lives. 


6. I got to move into and decorate our loft apartment. I love it. (minus the tiny storage space and even smaller hot water heater.

7. We have a giant, luxurious king size bed, an awesome, enormous pocket watch on our wall, a trunk to store our games, and comfy places to sit. You are welcome to crash on our lovesac anytime. 

8. I've been able to make new friends, as well as spend time with old friends. 

9. I've found time to read some great books, (book recommendation post coming soon!) get lost in new worlds and learn new things. 

10. I get to spend lots of time with my best friend. I live with him, actually. 


{Now that we've looked at the year with some lovely, rosey eye-glasses, let's take a peak at things I did last year, that I should not and do not want to do this year.}


Things of 2013 That Shall Not Be Repeated List: 

1. I am not going to be so mentally snarky or judgmental. I resolve to view people through the same lens of grace that I hope they view me. 

2. Speaking of viewing through a lens of grace, I am going to be kinder to myself. I know that sounds kind of new-agey, but really, the internal critic needs to be silenced. 

3. I am going to be more productive with my time. I know, lofty goal. Mostly I mean that I am going to occasionally set blocks of time where I task. Like: I am going to respond to emails for 30 minutes, or I am going to clean the bathroom for 15 minutes. Sometimes breaking things down into smaller sets of time helps them not seem so insurmountable. 

4. I am not going to go so long without backing up my computer. Losing everything on here would be so sad! Definitely a scary prospect. 

5. I am not going to start with a reason (which sometimes sounds more like an excuse) when I am being corrected or when I do something I shouldn't have, instead, I will start with "I'm sorry" and accept responsibility. It seems like A.) the adult thing to do B.) what makes things go more smoothly. 

6. I am not going to hold on to clothes that I don't wear. They are taking up space I need, and while I might use them "someday," someone else could probably use them right now. 

7. I won't put off communicating with people. You know, it's been a while, so you feel bad you haven't called, so you don't call to avoid the awkwardness of not calling, and then you slowly just drift apart. Tragic.

8. I won't keep running into people on a regular basis and not asking their names. Once it gets past a certain point, I feel bad asking! Either I have asked in the past and forgotten, or I have just never asked. But by continuing to not ask, there is no way the relationship can move forward. 

9. I won't continuously go to bed late, making myself exhausted in the morning. Well, no promises here. But I am trying to change my night owl ways. What do you think- can a bird change its feathers? 

10. I am not going to ignore the people I am actually with, in favor of communicating with others electronically. As much as I love sharing my pictures and my witty comments, I won't ignore people who I should be engaging with in order to share them. 


And now, a list of things I hope for the new year. This seems appropriate, as new beginnings always seem full of possiblities and hope. Notice: these are NOT resolutions. Why? Because if my resolve diminishes in three months, I don't want to feel like I failed, when maybe I have simply redirected my resolve. 

Sometimes achieving goals is a process. I go full throttle, I get tired, then I get reinspired, then I stumble and realize I got off course a bit. So I get up, brush off, refocus my aim, and I'm off again. I don't want the process of me doing the "try, try, again" thing to mean I have failed or lost my resolve. 

So, cheers to HOPE, to dreams, and to the process it takes to accomplish them. 


Things I Hope for 2014: 

1. I hope Jon and I are able to invest a little bit more of our money. Realistically speaking, because of the rate of inflation, we are losing money by putting it in a savings account. I would like to learn more about different types of investments and then actually put that knowledge to work! 

2. I hope to read more books- both fiction and non-fiction. Book recommendations are ALWAYS welcome. 

3. I hope to write more often and more consistently. 

4. I hope to work on my Spanish more. I plan on using an app called Duolingo. Have you heard of it? 

5. I hope to travel somewhere new. 

6. I hope to continue growing my hair out. (although, I am not sure if that is I can completely control...

7. I hope to workout consistently, at least for the next three months. That seems like a good amount of time to kickoff getting into spring shape and to form good habits. 

8. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible. I read it all the way through last year, and that was amazing. This year I would like to study it more intently. 

9. I hope to increase my professional skill set. In this economy, I don't think one can afford to not be growing, learning and improving. 

10. I hope to be more intentional with my friendships- communicating more often, (perhaps writing actual hand written letters, who doesn't love receiving one of those?!) and actually being the initiator. 


There you have it. Hopefully, 2014 will be the year of getting more sleep, learning new things, and accomplishing dreams. 

What are your hopes for the new year? Did you make any wishes when the ball dropped? 

Our New Years was pretty low key this year, which was great, as I was recovering from some evil stomach flu. But someday I really want to wear a sparkly dress and possibly be on a boat. Kinda of similar to this Kappa Take A Date: 

I was wearing a sparkly dress... you just can't see it under Jon's suit coat! The idea of that night was fun, but really, it was just SO COLD. So, if the sparkly dress New Years does actually happen, one of the requirements would be for it to either A.) not be freezing and/or B.) inside. 

I hope your New Years was fabulous and fun, whether you celebrated in sweats or sparkly dresses. Cheers to the New Year, dear readers. May it be full of hope, laughter, love, and a little bit of sparkle. 

xo, The Attic

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