
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Food for the Soul

I have loved to read from a very young age. I used to read late into the night, way past my bedtime, on a regular basis. I had the whole reading under the covers with a flashlight thing down. So sneaky, right?  In fact, I am the only child I know that has been grounded from READING. Grounded from hanging out with friends? Sure. Grounded from video games or tv, totally normal. Nope. I was grounded from books. It felt torturous laying in bed with all of my wonderful books on my nightstand that could not be read. I am such a nerd. 

I still read on a regular basis, and I still occasionally forfeit sleep to do so. I love it. It makes me smarter, stimulates my imagination and feeds my soul. Not just books- although I do love them- but blogs and newspapers too. Keep reading and I'll give you a list of what is currently on my To-Read List. (so much better than a to-do list!) 

Blogs that I check on a semi-regular basis: 

Newspapers: (Disclaimer- If anyone of you wants to pay for a subscription of these for me- I will pledge to be your friend forever.) 

I think it's important to be caught up on national and local news, hence the mix of papers.

Investors Business Daily. (When I can snag my Dad's copy) 


The Storyteller- this book by Jodi Picoult was wonderful! I just finished it and I could not put it down. I just had to know what happened next. 
The Prodigal Daughter- Okay, so I've already read this book by Jeffrery Archer this more times than I can count, but I just found a hardback copy in the Bartlesville library. I might check it out and never give it back! 
Seven Men: And The Secret to Their Greatness- Jon is reading this right now and it sounds awesome. I love when he reads parts of it out loud to me. 
Breakfast at Tiffany's- Alli gave me this book for Christmas and I love it. I mean, Holly Golightly is iconic. I'm excited to read it! 
Jurassic Park- I haven't ready very much by Michael Crichton, so I'm super pumped about this one. I love when I discover a new author! (I know he's not new to everyone, but he's new to me!) 
A Time to Kill and Sycamore Row by John Grisham- A Time to Kill is one of the only Grisham novels I haven't read yet, and I was given the sequel, Sycamore Row, for Christmas. So now I need to read them both! 
Killing Jesus- this book by Bill O'Reilly and and Martin Duggard was awesome. Jon and I recently read it together. It was meticulously researched, and it read really nicely. I definitely recommend it! 

I am also currently reading through Romans. I just read a chapter at a time, in the NIV version. I also keep the Message version open next to me for cross-referencing. Romans is one of my favorite books. There is so much great stuff in it that I don't want to rush reading it. I prefer to read slowly and think about what I am actually reading. 

And there you have it. These are the things that I have been feasting on as of late. I am often found curled up on our couch with a blanket, a book, and some hot tea. It has been so cold here lately! It makes me miss reading on the beach. Ahhh.... Doesn't that sound so nice right now? 

I hope all is well in your world and that you're staying warm! As always, if you have any blog/newspaper/book recommendations- please share them in the comment section below! I could always add more things to my To-Read list. :) 

Much love, 
xo The Attic 


  1. Breakfast at Tiffany's is a short read, but a beautiful one! I really enjoyed it,think you will too.

    imeowlife. ,Dixx

    1. Thanks! You're right. It's lovely. Capote has a nice writing style. :)

  2. As you read through Romans, you should really check this guy's commentary out. It makes the reading take much longer but you get a lot more out of it. I am reading through Romans right now too, and if I'm reading commentary and taking notes I usually only get through 4-5 verses in about 30 minutes. He has commentary on every book and chapter in the bible, except for some of the Proverbs, I think. It's a gold mine of knowledge, ideas, and explanations.

    1. Thank you! I have enjoyed reading it slowly, but I could definitely benefit from some commentary. Every sentence is packed with meaning, it would be helpful to have a resource to help me unpack it. :)
