
Friday, August 23, 2013

Back in Action

Best Life 

Hello friends! It's been a long time, huh? A little over two months to be exact... 

In case you were wondering, we did not give up on our beloved Attic, but the Fisher sister who most loves to write has been a little busy recently. With what, you may be wondering... (or maybe you accurately deduced from the picture...) 


It was an absolute dream. 

And I cannot wait to tell you aaaall about it. 

But, until I have more pictures of the magical event, I'm going to hold myself back. I know, delayed gratification is not fun at all. (Who invented that concept?) But stories are much better with visual aids, and I assure you that you will be happy that you waited. 

However,  I couldn't resist dropping in and saying hello.

I also wanted to share something I've discovered in my two weeks of marriage... 

Married life is the BEST LIFE. 

(As I'm sure that all members of the Attic would agree.)

My dear friend Becki Hitsman, the first friend in the married club to tie the knot this summer, told me so a few months ago, and I thought she was probably right. 

She was. 

I love not having to say good-bye at the end of the evening. I loved hearing him read to me as I'm falling asleep. I love waking up to him in the morning. (He is so much better than any alarm clock I have ever had!) I love lounging around our apartment and watching Downton Abby with him. Really. Being married to him is wonderful. 

To all my unmarried friends who have ever wondered if marriage was all it's cracked up to be- let me tell you: the great mystery of one-ness is more that it's cracked up to be and better than what you can imagine. 

To all of you cynics out there who are scoffing and thinking to yourself- just wait until you get past the honeymoon phase- and you are right. 

I am in the floating, blissful stay-up-late-with-your-new-roommate-just-because-you-can and eat-peanut m&m's-all-day phase. I don't deny it. But I also believe that all stages of married life can be beautiful. Even as they age, or really, especially as they age. (Jon and I both know this to be true, as we have been blessed to witness this fact with both sets of our parents.)

The best comparison I have, and I know that it will fall short, is that while I love spongy, fluffy madeline cakes with my coffee, I love Thanksgiving dinner even more. One is light and sweet, and the other is savory, and deeply satisfying. (I know that this analogy has its errors. And I do love sweet desserts after Thanksgiving dinner too. But hey, who said the sweetness has to end?) I am enjoying this sweet phase, but I'm also looking forward to the deeply satisfying phase. 

This post about marriage puts it beautifully. Leah Harrod Rupp describes her marriage of seven years in a way that will resonate, even if you do not agree with everything or are not in the same phase of life. 

I hope all is well in your worlds! I am sure that they have their moments of chaos- school is starting again, the heat is intensifying, and to-do lists look grossly unappealing when compared to the tv shows you have tevo'ed- but I have found that the best thing to do in those moments is to grab an iced vanilla chai from Starbucks, and tackle one thing at a time. Maybe after you read the September issue of Vogue

Much Love, 

xo The Attic 

ps. Photo credit goes to Whitney Fenimore. Life long friend and singer extraordinare. Check out her work here

pps. I must admit that I first discovered Leah's blog on one my all time favorite blogs-- A Cup of Jo. Credit must go where credit is due. 

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