
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

All the Honeys Who Makin Money, Throw Your Hands Up at Me

Brainy's The New Sexy

At least... according to the BBC's television show "Sherlock." And hey, if Benedict Cumberbatch believes that, so do I. 
Business Insider wrote a wonderful piece this week highlighting 30 women in the technology industry. Typically there seems to be less women in the tech industry and the in the engineering industry, but those numbers are beginning to shift. 

But even as those numbers shift, women (and men) in every industry are facing the difficulty of trying balancing family and work. This tough topic has struck a cord with much of America's work force. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post and lots of bloggers have all recently covered it. 

How do we not only get women in the workforce, but retain them? How can we structure schedules in a way that benefits our employees and our company? These are examples of the questions companies are asking. 

Studies show that children fair better when they have more involved parents, but between working, paying bills, buying groceries, mowing the lawn, and doing laundry, finding time to spend the kiddos doesn't always happen as much as it should. 

Luckily, companies and organizations like law firm McKinsey & Co. are beginning to promote flexible schedules in order to retain their mothers and fathers. I hope that this trend continues.

Being a parent and working is not an easy thing to do. Both of my sisters cried when they dropped off their children at day care in the mornings. (tip: Don't apply masacra until you get to work.) And I know that both of my brother-in-laws look forward to the minute they get to go home and see their children. 

Since I currently do not have any children of my own, (I just get to be my niece and nephew's favorite aunt!) I have not had to figure out this balance yet. But I know that as a child, I relished the afternoons I got to spend with my mother! I hope I can consistently spend time with my (future) children like she did. 

All that being said, I am definitely thankful that there are so many opportunities for my gender in the workplace! I am also thankful we now have more avenues to use and show off our brains, since it is the new sexy. :)

 But truly, I don't think that smart, brainy women are a new phenomenon. In fact, smart women date back to the Biblical ages! 

In Judges 4, you will find Deborah- a prophetess, judge, and military leader. Esther who saved her people from death, and of course we must mention Mary, the mother of Jesus. 

Even the wife of noble character written of in Proverbs 31 was a smart, hard-working business woman and mother. 

Unfortunately, Proverbs 31 does not mention how the wife figured out how to balance everything. I think that is something we will always be trying to figure out through lots of prayer, trial and error, and conversations with our spouses. 

I am sure that balance will always be something I am trying to achieve I have newly entered the workforce and will soon embark on the adventure of being a wife, and someday (hopefully) the adventure of being a mother. 

But regardless of where my future career path takes me and regardless of what industry you find yourself in- whether you are a personal trainer or pediatrician, a business owner or a barista, a stay at home mom or a saleswoman- don't be afraid to show off your brains!

...after all, they are the new sexy. 

xo, The Attic 

ps. How do you balance work, life and family? We are always open to advice on that topic!

pps. The pictures are of me and my roommates in college dressing up to go to a dance party. Sexy, right?

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