
Friday, February 8, 2013


Thank Goodness it's the Weekend!

Happy Friday friends! I don't know about you, but I had a long (great, but BUSY) week and have been counting the days until this weekend because this weekend is the long awaited roommate reunion! I love these girls with my whole heart and being around them replenishes my emotional tank. 

Need something to make your heart happy? Here is some link love for your weekend: 

This song will make you smile.

This weekend, I am rockin' the vans. They make my feet happy.

Need some new material? I LOVE cheesy jokes- I'm super easily entertained. 

Instead of sending flower... send ICE CREAM! It's always nice to switch it up, and who doesn't ice cream? My sweet tooth would really appreciate it. Personalize your flavor and your label. (Maybe if you mess up, create "I Fudged Up"... that should win you some points.) 

Don't feel like washing hair? Here are some ways to dress up your ponytail! 

Time for me to go hang out with my girls! 

xo, The Attic

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